API v2.x

Operators #

Filters in Koncorde are constituted of clauses and operators.

In this section, you will find an exhaustive listing of all the available operators.

and #

The and filter takes an array of filter objects, combining them with AND operators.

Given the following documents: #

Copied to clipboard!
  firstName: 'Grace',
  lastName: 'Hopper',
  city: 'NYC',
  hobby: 'computer'
  firstName: 'Ada',
  lastName: 'Lovelace',
  city: 'London',
  hobby: 'computer'

The following filter validates the first document: #

Copied to clipboard!
  and: [
      equals: {
        city: 'NYC'
      equals: {
        hobby: 'computer'

or #

The or filter takes an array containing filter objects, combining them using OR operators.

Given the following documents: #

Copied to clipboard!
  firstName: 'Grace',
  lastName: 'Hopper',
  city: 'NYC',
  hobby: 'computer'
  firstName: 'Ada',
  lastName: 'Lovelace',
  city: 'London',
  hobby: 'computer'
  firstName: 'Marie',
  lastName: 'Curie',
  city: 'Paris',
  hobby: 'radium'

The following filter validates the first two documents: #

Copied to clipboard!
  or: [
      equals: {
        city: 'NYC'
      equals: {
        city: 'London'

not #

The not filter omits the matching data.

Given the following documents: #

Copied to clipboard!
  firstName: 'Grace',
  lastName: 'Hopper',
  city: 'NYC',
  hobby: 'computer'
  firstName: 'Ada',
  lastName: 'Lovelace',
  city: 'London',
  hobby: 'computer'

The following filter validates the first document: #

Copied to clipboard!
  not: {
    equals: {
      city: 'London';

bool #

Returns documents matching a combination of filters.

This operator accepts the following attributes:

  • must all listed conditions must be true
  • must_not all listed conditions must be false
  • should one of the listed condition must be true
  • should_not one of the listed condition must be false

Each one of these attributes are an array of filter objects.

Given the following documents: #

Copied to clipboard!
  firstName: 'Grace',
  lastName: 'Hopper',
  age: 85,
  city: 'NYC',
  hobby: 'computer'
  firstName: 'Ada',
  lastName: 'Lovelace',
  age: 36
  city: 'London',
  hobby: 'computer'
  firstName: 'Marie',
  lastName: 'Curie',
  age: 55,
  city: 'Paris',
  hobby: 'radium'

The following filter validates the second document: #

Copied to clipboard!
  bool: {
    must : [
        in : {
          firstName : ['Grace', 'Ada']
        range: {
          age: {
            gte: 36,
            lt: 85
    'must_not' : [
        equals: {
          city: 'NYC'
    should : [
        equals : {
          hobby : 'computer'
        exists : {
          field : 'lastName'