API v2.x

validate #

Validates data against existing validation rules.

Documents are always valid if no validation rules are defined on the provided index and collection.

This request does not store the document.

Query Syntax #


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URL: http://kuzzle:7512/<index>/<collection>/_validate
Method: POST
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  // Document content to check

Other protocols #

Copied to clipboard!
  "index": "<index>",
  "collection": "<collection>",
  "controller": "document",
  "action": "validate",
  "body": {
    // document content to check

Kourou #

Copied to clipboard!
kourou document:validate <index> <collection> <body>

Arguments #

  • collection: collection name
  • index: index name

Body properties #

Document content to validate.

Response #

Returns the document validation status, with the following properties:

  • errorMessages: the exhaustive list of violated validation rules. Present only if valid is false
  • valid: a boolean telling whether the provided pass all validation rules
Copied to clipboard!
  "status": 200,
  "error": null,
  "index": "<index>",
  "collection": "<collection>",
  "controller": "document",
  "action": "validate",
  "result": {
    "valid": true