0x04: plugin #
Subdomain: 0x0401: assert #
id / code | class / status | message | description |
plugin.assert.invalid_plugins_dir0x04010001 | InternalError (500) | Unable to read plugins directory "%s"; %s. | The enabled plugins directory cannot be opened |
plugin.assert.cannot_load0x04010002 | PluginImplementationError (500) | Unable to load plugin from path "%s"; %s. | Kuzzle is unable to load a plugin |
plugin.assert.invalid_hook0x04010003 | PluginImplementationError (500) | Unable to configure a hook for the event "%s": "%s" should be a function. %s | A hook must point to either a function named directly exposed by the plugin, or a function. This error is thrown when a hook property is configured with neither of these values |
plugin.assert.invalid_pipe0x04010004 | PluginImplementationError (500) | Unable to configure a pipe for the event "%s": "%s" should be a function. %s | A pipe must point to either a function named directly exposed by the plugin, or a function. This error is thrown when a hook property is configured with neither of these values |
plugin.assert.init_not_found0x04010005 | PluginImplementationError (500) | Plugin "%s": No "init" method found. | The plugin does not have an 'init' function |
plugin.assert.privileged_not_supported0x04010006 | PluginImplementationError (500) | The plugin "%s" is configured to run in privileged mode, but it does not seem to support it. | The 'privileged' flag has been set in Kuzzle's configuration for that plugin, but not in the plugin's manifest |
plugin.assert.privileged_not_set0x04010007 | PluginImplementationError (500) | The plugin "%s" needs to run in privileged mode to work, you have to explicitly set "privileged: true" in its configuration. | The 'privileged' flag has been set in the plugin's manifest file, but it needs also to be added in Kuzzle's configuration |
plugin.assert.not_a_constructor0x04010008 | PluginImplementationError (500) | Plugin "%s" is not a constructor. | The exposed plugin is not a constructor |
plugin.assert.name_already_exists0x04010009 | PluginImplementationError (500) | A plugin named %s already exists | Another plugin with the same name has already been loaded |
plugin.assert.invalid_plugin_name0x0401000a | PluginImplementationError (500) | Plugin name "%s" is invalid. Plugin names must be in kebab-case. | The plugin name is invalid. Plugin names can only contain lowercase letters and dashes. |
plugin.assert.no_name_provided0x0401000b | PluginImplementationError (500) | Cannot infer plugin name. No constructor method and no name provided | The plugin does not have a constructor method and no name has been provided. |
plugin.assert.invalid_controller_definition0x0401000c | PluginImplementationError (500) | Incorrect "%s" controller definition: %s | The controller definition is incorrect. |
plugin.assert.invalid_application_name0x0401000d | PluginImplementationError (500) | Application name "%s" is invalid. Application names must be in kebab-case. | The application name is invalid. Application names can only contain lowercase letters and dashes. |
plugin.assert.duplicated_api_definition0x0401000e | PluginImplementationError (500) | Cannot define new controllers in the "api" and the "controllers" objects at the same time | You cannot use the "api" and the "controllers" objects at the same time. Use the "api" object to define controllers. |
plugin.assert.plugin_not_found0x0401000f | NotFoundError (404) | Plugin "%s" not found.%s | The request plugin does not exists or have not been loaded yet. |
plugin.assert.invalid_openapi_schema0x04010010 | PluginImplementationError (500) | Invalid OpenAPI specification: "%s" | OpenAPI specification is invalid |
Subdomain: 0x0402: runtime #
id / code | class / status | message | description |
plugin.runtime.failed_init0x04020001 | PluginImplementationError (500) | Something went wrong during initialization of "%s" plugin. Set "plugins.common.failsafeMode" to true to bypass plugin initialization. | An exception was thrown by a plugin's init function |
plugin.runtime.unexpected_error0x04020002 | PluginImplementationError (500) | Caught an unexpected plugin error: %s | Embeds an unexpected plugin error into a standardized KuzzleError object |
plugin.runtime.pipe_timeout0x04020003 Deprecated since 2.2.0 | GatewayTimeoutError (504) | Plugin "%s": timeout error. A pipe on the event "%s" exceeded the timeout delay (%sms). Aborting. | A pipe function execution took more than the configured server limit |
plugin.runtime.too_many_pipes0x04020004 | ServiceUnavailableError (503) | Request discarded: maximum number of executing pipe functions reached. | The number of running pipes exceeds the configured capacity (see configuration files). This may be caused by pipes being too slow, or by an insufficient number of Kuzzle nodes. |
plugin.runtime.already_started0x04020005 | PluginImplementationError (500) | Cannot use property "%s" when application is already running | Features definition cannot be changed after startup. |
plugin.runtime.unavailable_before_start0x04020006 | PluginImplementationError (500) | Cannot use property "%s" before application startup | The property is only accessible after application startup. |
plugin.runtime.unknown_pipe0x04020007 | PluginImplementationError (500) | Unknown pipe ID "%s" | The provided pipe identifier is unknown. |
plugin.runtime.unexpected_installation_error0x04020008 | PluginImplementationError (500) | Caught an unexpected error while executing installation "%s": %s | Embeds an unexpected installation error into a standardized KuzzleError object. |
plugin.runtime.incompatible0x04020009 | PluginImplementationError (500) | "%s" and "%s" are incompatible. Please use only one of these features at the same time. | Some features incompatible are being used at the same time |
Subdomain: 0x0403: strategy #
id / code | class / status | message | description |
plugin.strategy.invalid_description0x04030001 | PluginImplementationError (500) | %s expected the strategy description to be an object, got: %s. | The strategy.description field must be an object |
plugin.strategy.invalid_methods0x04030002 | PluginImplementationError (500) | %s expected a "methods" property of type "object", got: %s. | The strategy.methods field must be an object |
plugin.strategy.invalid_method_type0x04030003 | PluginImplementationError (500) | %s expected a "%s" property of type "string", got: %s. | Method definitions in the strategy.methods configuration must be of type string |
plugin.strategy.missing_method_function0x04030004 | PluginImplementationError (500) | %s the strategy method "%s" must point to an exposed function. | A required strategy method is missing |
plugin.strategy.invalid_config0x04030005 | PluginImplementationError (500) | %s expected a "config" property of type "object", got: %s. | The strategy.config field must be an object |
plugin.strategy.unexpected_constructor0x04030006 | PluginImplementationError (500) | %s the "authenticator" and "constructor" parameters cannot both be set. | The (deprecated) constructor property can only be set if there is no authenticator defined |
plugin.strategy.invalid_constructor0x04030007 | PluginImplementationError (500) | %s invalid "constructor" property value: constructor expected. | The strategy.constructor field must be a constructor |
plugin.strategy.invalid_authenticator0x04030008 | PluginImplementationError (500) | %s expected an "authenticator" property of type "string", got: %s. | The strategy.authenticator field must be a string |
plugin.strategy.unknown_authenticator0x04030009 | PluginImplementationError (500) | %s unknown authenticator: %s. | This strategy uses an authenticator that hasn't been declared in this.authenticators |
plugin.strategy.invalid_option0x0403000a | PluginImplementationError (500) | %s expected the "%s" property to be of type "object", got: %s. | If defined, the "strategy.config.strategyOptions" and "strategy.config.authenticateOptions" properties must be objects |
plugin.strategy.invalid_fields0x0403000b | PluginImplementationError (500) | %s expected the "fields" property to be of type "array", got: %s. | The field strategy.config.fields must be an array or null |
plugin.strategy.invalid_definition0x0403000c | PluginImplementationError (500) | %s the exposed "strategies" plugin property must be a non-empty object. | The strategies property must be a non-empty object |
plugin.strategy.failed_registration0x0403000d | PluginImplementationError (500) | Failed to register strategy "%s": %s | Passportjs rejected this strategy (see the message for more information) |
plugin.strategy.invalid_verify_return0x0403000e | PluginImplementationError (500) | %s The "verify" method is expected to return a Promise, got: %s. | The "verify" method must return a promise |
plugin.strategy.invalid_verify_resolve0x0403000f | PluginImplementationError (500) | %s invalid authentication strategy result (expected an object). | The "verify" strategy method resolved to a non-object return value |
plugin.strategy.invalid_kuid0x04030010 | PluginImplementationError (500) | %s invalid authentication kuid returned: expected a string, got a %s. | The "verify" method returned an invalid kuid |
plugin.strategy.unknown_kuid0x04030011 | PluginImplementationError (500) | %s returned an unknown Kuzzle user identifier. | The "verify" method returned an unknown kuid |
plugin.strategy.unauthorized_removal0x04030012 | PluginImplementationError (500) | Cannot remove strategy %s: owned by another plugin. | Tried to remove a strategy owned by another plugin |
plugin.strategy.strategy_not_found0x04030013 | NotFoundError (404) | Cannot remove strategy %s: strategy does not exist. | Attempted to remove a non-existent authentication strategy |
plugin.strategy.missing_user0x04030014 | UnauthorizedError (401) | %s | A strategy plugin approved credentials without providing a user object to Kuzzle |
plugin.strategy.missing_optional_method0x04030015 | PluginImplementationError (500) | "%s" method is optional. The %s strategy plugin has not yet implemented it. | An optional method has not been implemented for this strategy |
Subdomain: 0x0404: controller #
id / code | class / status | message | description |
plugin.controller.invalid_description0x04040001 | PluginImplementationError (500) | %s Invalid controller description type (expected object, got: "%s"). | The controller description must be an object |
plugin.controller.invalid_action0x04040002 | PluginImplementationError (500) | %s Action for "%s" is neither a function nor a function name. %s | A controller action must be a function name, or a function |
plugin.controller.unexpected_route_property0x04040003 | PluginImplementationError (500) | %s Unexpected property "%s" in route definition. %s | An unexpected property has been found in a controller route definition |
plugin.controller.invalid_route_property0x04040004 | PluginImplementationError (500) | %s "%s" must be a non-empty string. | Invalid route property format (must be a non-empty string) |
plugin.controller.undefined_controller0x04040005 | PluginImplementationError (500) | %s Undefined controller "%s". %s | A HTTP route points to an non-existent controller |
plugin.controller.undefined_action0x04040006 | PluginImplementationError (500) | %s Undefined action "%s". %s | A HTTP route points to an non-existent controller action |
plugin.controller.unsupported_verb0x04040007 | PluginImplementationError (500) | %s Only the following http verbs are allowed: "%s". %s | A HTTP route is using an unsupported HTTP verb |
plugin.controller.unserializable_response0x04040008 | PluginImplementationError (500) | Unable to serialize response. Are you trying to return the request? | A plugin controller action returned a non-serializable response |
plugin.controller.invalid_action_response0x04040009 | PluginImplementationError (500) | Unexpected return value from action "%s:%s": expected a Promise | API actions added by plugins must return a promise |
plugin.controller.invalid_openapi_schema0x0404000a | PluginImplementationError (500) | Invalid OpenAPI specification in "%s:%s", %s : %s | OpenAPI specification is invalid |
Subdomain: 0x0405: manifest #
id / code | class / status | message | description |
plugin.manifest.cannot_load0x04050001 | PluginImplementationError (500) | [%s] Unable to load the file 'manifest.json': %s | Unable to load the plugin's manifest file |
plugin.manifest.version_mismatch0x04050002 | PluginImplementationError (500) | [%s] Version mismatch: current Kuzzle version %s does not match the manifest requirements (%s). | Current Kuzzle's version does not match the plugin's requirements |
plugin.manifest.invalid_name_type0x04050003 | PluginImplementationError (500) | [%s] Invalid "name" property: expected a non-empty string. | Invalid plugin's name |
plugin.manifest.invalid_name0x04050004 | PluginImplementationError (500) | [%s] Invalid plugin name. The name must be comprised only of letters, numbers, hyphens and underscores. | Invalid characters in a plugin's name |
plugin.manifest.missing_name0x04050005 | PluginImplementationError (500) | [%s] A "name" property is required. | A plugin name is required |
plugin.manifest.invalid_errors0x04050006 | PluginImplementationError (500) | [%s] errors field in manifest.json badly formatted: %s | The 'errors' property format is invalid |
plugin.manifest.invalid_privileged0x04050007 | PluginImplementationError (500) | [%s] Invalid "privileged" property: expected a boolean, got a %s. | The "privileged" property is invalid |
plugin.manifest.missing_package0x04050008 | PluginImplementationError (500) | [%s] No package.json file found. | The plugin is missing a 'package.json' file (run 'npm init' to create one) |
plugin.manifest.missing_package_name0x04050009 | PluginImplementationError (500) | [%s] No "name" property provided in package.json. | A 'name' property in the 'package.json' file is required by Kuzzle, as it is used as the plugin's unique name |
plugin.manifest.missing_version0x0405000a | PluginImplementationError (500) | [%s] A "kuzzleVersion" property is required | Plugin manifest must provide a kuzzleVersion parameter, with the range of compatible Kuzzle versions |
Subdomain: 0x0406: context #
id / code | class / status | message | description |
plugin.context.missing_collection0x04060001 | PluginImplementationError (500) | Missing collection argument. | The 'collection' argument is required, but none was provided |
plugin.context.unavailable_realtime0x04060002 | PluginImplementationError (500) | The method "realtime:%s" is unavailable with execute(). Use the embedded SDK instead. | Due to technical limitations, subscribe and unsubscribe methods are only available through the embedded SDK. |
plugin.context.invalid_user0x04060003 | PluginImplementationError (500) | You must provide a valid User object when adding context with as(). | The user object provided to the sdk.as() method is not a valid user with a least an '_id' property |
plugin.context.invalid_callback0x04060004 | PluginImplementationError (500) | Invalid argument: Expected callback to be a function, received "%s". | A non-function callback has been provided |
plugin.context.missing_request0x04060005 | PluginImplementationError (500) | Invalid argument: a Request object must be supplied. | A Request object is required, but none was supplied |
plugin.context.missing_request_data0x04060006 | PluginImplementationError (500) | A Request object and/or request data must be provided. | A Request object and/or request data must be provided |
plugin.context.invalid_event0x04060007 Deprecated since 2.2.0 | PluginImplementationError (500) | Custom event invalid name (%s). Colons are not allowed in custom events. | Invalid event name (colons are not allowed in event names) |
plugin.context.missing_authenticator0x04060008 | PluginImplementationError (500) | [%s] Strategy %s: dynamic strategy registration can only be done using an "authenticator" option (see https://tinyurl.com/y7boozbk). | Missing "strategy.config.authenticator" property |
Subdomain: 0x0407: authenticators #
id / code | class / status | message | description |
plugin.authenticators.not_an_object0x04070001 | PluginImplementationError (500) | %s the exposed "authenticators" plugin property must be of type "object". | The "authenticators" property must be an object |
plugin.authenticators.invalid_authenticator0x04070002 | PluginImplementationError (500) | %s invalid authenticator.%s property: expected a constructor. | Authenticators exposed in the "authenticators" object must be constructors |
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