getConfig #
Returns the current Kuzzle configuration.
This route should only be accessible to administrators, as it might return sensitive information about the backend.
Query Syntax #
URL: http://kuzzle:7512/_getConfig
Method: GET
Other protocols #
"controller": "server",
"action": "getConfig"
Response #
Returns the complete Kuzzle configuration, in JSON format.
"status": 200,
"error": null,
"action": "getConfig",
"controller": "server",
"result": {
"limits": {
"concurrentRequests": 100,
"documentsFetchCount": 10000,
"documentsWriteCount": 200,
"requestsBufferSize": 50000,
"requestsBufferWarningThreshold": 5000,
"subscriptionConditionsCount": 16,
"subscriptionMinterms": 0,
"subscriptionRooms": 1000000,
"subscriptionDocumentTTL": 259200
"plugins": {
"common": {
"bootstrapLockTimeout": 5000,
"pipeWarnTime": 500,
"pipeTimeout": 5000,
"initTimeout": 10000
// ... etc ...
"version": "1.5.1"
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