Guides v2.x

Start Writing a Protocol #

Kuzzle has native support for the following network protocols: HTTP, MQTT (disabled by default), and Websocket.

However, any number of protocols can be implemented, adding new network capabilities.

Protocols are entirely responsible of the network communication layer, which can be as simple as a UDP socket, all the way to a complete pub/sub message broker. Protocols can even decide to propose a dedicated message format and/or query syntax for the Kuzzle API.

Protocols are provided with objects to interact with Kuzzle:

  • EntryPoint: base communication layer (declare user connections, forward API requests, ...)
  • context: utilities and object constructors not directly related to network communications

Prerequisites #

Location #

Protocols are subdirectories that must be put at the following location: <kuzzle_install_dir>/protocols/enabled.

The recommended way to install a protocol is to put it in protocols/available, and to create a symbolic link pointing to it in the protocols/enabled directory.

Node.js modules #

Kuzzle loads protocols as Node.js modules.

This means that a protocol directory must contain either:

  • an index.js file


  • a valid package.json file. If the protocol's entrypoint is not the root index.js file, then the main property must be filled

manifest.json #

Kuzzle needs a few information to make your protocol work properly. These information must be provided in a manifest.json file, in the protocol directory.

The following properties can be defined in this manifest.json file:

  • name (required): protocol unique identifier. This protocol name will be used by Kuzzle for statistics, logs, and to provide context to requests
  • kuzzleVersion: a non-empty string describing a semver range, limiting the range of Kuzzle versions supported by this protocol. If not set, a warning is displayed on the console, and Kuzzle assumes that the protocol is only compatible with Kuzzle v2.x

Interface #

To add new network capabilities, a protocol must implement a set of functions, to be called by Kuzzle:

If one or multiple of these functions are missing, Kuzzle fails to load the protocol, and refuses to start.

Channels #

channel is a recurrent concept in the protocol interface, one that must be implemented by the protocol itself.

Simply put: it is the same channel identifier returned to a user after a real-time subscription. Many users can share the same channel, as it is calculated from the provided subscription filters, after they are normalized (i.e. equivalent yet differently written filters still share the same identifier).

Kuzzle notifies protocols when one of their managed connection joins or leaves a channel.

Kuzzle has no opinion on how a protocol handles channels and their associated users. It simply asks protocols to broadcast, or to notify messages to listening users.

Configuration #

Protocols can be configured in the Kuzzle configuration file, under the server/protocols/<protocol name> section.

Example #

Copied to clipboard!
  "server": {
    "protocols": {
      "mqtt": {
        "port": 1883,
        "allowPubSub": true

The custom configuration can be found in the EntryPoint object provided to the init function, under the following property: entryPoint.config.protocols.<protocol name>

Protocol example #

Copied to clipboard!
module.exports = class MyProtocol {
  constructor () {
    this.context = null;
    this.entryPoint = null; = 'foobar';

    // Example on how to maintain client connections
    this.clients = {};
    this.connections = {};

  * @param {EntryPoint} entryPoint - main protocol interface with Kuzzle
  * @param {object} context - Constructors and utilities
  init (entryPoint, context) {
    // plugin initialization
    this.entryPoint = entryPoint;
    this.context = context;

    // user configuration can be retrieved from entryPoint.config[protocol name]
    this.config = Object.assign({
      default: 'value'
    }, entryPoint.config[] || {});

   This function is only an example showing how to interact with
   clients and with Kuzzle. It does not implement any actual protocol.

   The way a protocol plugins handles clients closely depends on the
   implemented protocol.
  handleClient () {
    // when a client connects
    this.on('onClientConnect', client => {
      const connection = new this.context.ClientConnection(,
        {some: 'header'}

      this.clients[] = client;
      this.connections[] = connection;

    // when a client sends a request
    this.on('onClientRequest', (client, data) => {
      // Instantiates a KuzzleRequest object to be passed to Kuzzle
        connection = this.connections[],
        request = new this.context.KuzzleRequest(data, { connection });

      this.entryPoint.execute(request, response => {
        // forward the response to the client

    // whenever a client is disconnected
    this.on('onClientDisconnect', client => {
      const connection = this.connections[];
      delete this.clients[];
      delete this.connections[];

   Invoked by Kuzzle when a "data.payload" payload needs to be
  broadcast (channels, payload) {
    for (const channel of channels) {
      // send the payload to all connections having subscribed
      // to that channel

   Invoked by Kuzzle when a payload needs to be sent to
   a single connection
  notify (channels, connectionId, payload) {
    for (const channel of channels) {
      // send the payload to the connection

    Invoked by Kuzzle when a connection has subscribed to a channel
  joinChannel (channel, connectionId) {
     // ...

    Invoked by Kuzzle when a connection leaves a channel
  leaveChannel (channel, connectionId) {
    // ...

    Invoked by Kuzzle when it needs to force-close a client connection
  disconnect (connectionId) {
    const client = this.clients[connectionId];
    // close the client connection

Configuration #

When Kuzzle calls the plugin init method, it passes the plugin's custom configuration to it.

Custom configuration parameters are specified for each plugin in the plugins object of the Kuzzle configuration.

For example:

Copied to clipboard!
  "plugins": {
    "foobar-plugin": {
      "option_1": "option_value",
      "option_2": "option_value"

Plugin loaded from the filesystem #

Deprecated since 2.8.0

Plugins are subdirectories that must be put at the following location: <kuzzle_install_dir>/plugins/enabled.

The recommended way to install a plugin is to put it in plugins/available, and then link it to the plugins/enabled directory.

Node.js modules #

Kuzzle loads plugins as Node.js modules.

This means that a plugin directory must contain either:

  • an index.js file


  • a valid package.json file. If the plugin's entrypoint is not the root index.js file, then the main property must be filled

manifest.json #

Kuzzle needs a few information to make your plugin work properly. These information must be provided in a manifest.json file, in the plugin directory.

The following properties can be defined in this manifest.json file:

  • name (required): plugin unique identifier. Names can only contain letters, numbers, hyphens and underscores.
  • kuzzleVersion: a non-empty string describing a semver range, limiting the range of Kuzzle versions supported by this plugin. If not set, a warning is displayed on the console, and Kuzzle assumes that the plugin is only compatible with Kuzzle v2.x