lpushx #
Prepends the specified value to a list, only if the key already exists and if it holds a list.
Arguments #
lpushx(key, value, [options]);
Arguments | Type | Description |
key | string | Existing list key |
value | string | Value to append |
options | object | Optional query arguments |
options #
The options
arguments can contain the following option properties:
Property | Type (default) | Description |
queuable | boolean (true) | If true, queues the request during downtime, until connected to Kuzzle again |
Resolve #
Resolves to the updated list length.
Usage #
try {
// Prints: 0
console.log(await kuzzle.ms.lpushx('listfoo', 'foo'));
// Prints: []
console.log(await kuzzle.ms.lrange('listfoo', 0, -1));
await kuzzle.ms.lpush('listfoo', ['bar']);
// Prints: 2
console.log(await kuzzle.ms.lpushx('listfoo', 'foo'));
// Prints: [ 'foo', 'bar' ]
console.log(await kuzzle.ms.lrange('listfoo', 0, -1));
} catch (error) {
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