refresh #
Refreshes a collection to reindex the written and deleted documents so they are available in search results.
A refresh operation comes with some performance costs.
From the Elasticsearch documentation:
"While a refresh is much lighter than a commit, it still has a performance cost. A manual refresh can be useful when writing tests, but don’t do a manual refresh every time you index a document in production; it will hurt your performance. Instead, your application needs to be aware of the near real-time nature of Elasticsearch and make allowances for it."
refresh(index, collection, [options]);
Arguments | Type | Description |
options | object | Query options |
options #
Additional query options
Property | Type (default) | Description |
queuable | boolean ( true ) | If true, queues the request during downtime, until connected to Kuzzle again |
timeout | number | Time (in ms) during which a request will still be waited to be resolved. Set it -1 if you want to wait indefinitely |
Resolves #
Resolves when the refresh has been done.
Usage #
try {
await kuzzle.collection.refresh('nyc-open-data', 'yellow-taxi');
console.log('Refresh successful');
} catch (error) {
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