SDK PHP v3.x

You are currently looking at the documentation of a previous version of Kuzzle. We strongly recommend that you use the latest version. You can also use the version selector in the top menu.

createMyCredentials #

Create the current user's credentials for the specified strategy. The credentials required will depend on the authentication plugin and strategy.

createMyCredentials(strategy, credentials, [options], [callback]) #

Arguments Type Description
strategy string Strategy you want to create credentials for
credentials JSON object The credentials
options JSON object Optional parameters
callback function Optional callback handling the response

Options #

Option Type Description Default
queuable boolean Make this request queuable or not true

Callback Response #

Returns an object with the created credentials.

Usage #

Copied to clipboard!
use \Kuzzle\Kuzzle;
$kuzzle = new Kuzzle('localhost');
$result = $kuzzle->createMyCredentials('local', ['username' => 'foo']);
// $result = [username => 'foo', kuid => '<kuid>']