SDK PHP v3.x

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createDocument #

Create a new document in Kuzzle and instantiate a Document object.

createDocument(Document, [options], [callback]) #

DocumentobjectDocument object
optionsJSON objectOptional parameters
callbackfunctionOptional callback

createDocument([id], content, [options], [callback]) #

idstringOptional document identifier
contentJSON objectContent of the document to create
optionsJSON objectOptional parameters
callbackfunctionOptional callback

Options #

volatileJSON objectAdditional information passed to notifications to other usersnull
queuablebooleanMake this request queuable or nottrue
refreshstringIf set to wait_for, Kuzzle will wait for the persistence layer to finish indexing (available with Elasticsearch 5.x and above)undefined
ifExiststringIf the same document already exists: resolves to an error. Replaces the existing document if set to replacefalse

Return Value #

Returns the Collection object to allow chaining.

Callback Response #

Returns a Document object containing the newly created document.

Usage #

use \Kuzzle\Kuzzle;
use \Kuzzle\Document;
$documentId = 'foobar';
$documentContent = [
  'title' => 'foo',
  'content' => 'bar'
$kuzzle = new Kuzzle('localhost');
$dataCollection = $kuzzle->collection('collection', 'index');
try {
  $document = $dataCollection->createDocument($documentContent, $documentId);
  // $document instanceof Document
catch (ErrorException $e) {