Guides v1.x

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Request and Response Format #

Any access to a Kuzzle resource must be made through a request. The Request object is sealed, which means you cannot add or delete fields once the object is initialized. The Request state evolves along with the lifecycle of the transaction.

Let's take a look at the structure of the Request object.

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Request {
    // members
    status,     // {integer}        The status of the transaction (matches HTTP codes)
    timestamp,  // {integer}
    id,         // {string}
    context,    // {RequestContext} Contains information about the connection and the current token & user
    input,      // {RequestInput}   The request input params sent by the client
    result,     // {Object}         The raw result sent by the controller (defaults to null)
    error,      // {KuzzleError}    Defaults to null
    response,   // {property}       The final response sent out of Kuzzle (enumerable, get-only property)

    // methods
    setError (error),               // Sets the status to the error.code and fills the error member.
    setResult (obj, [status=200])   // Sets the result and the status code.

Let's take a look at the attributes of this object.

  • The id attribute bears a unique, auto-generated value that identifies the transaction.
  • The timestamp attribute stores the creation date (in seconds after the Epoch time).

Input #

The input field contains all the parameters that express the request from the client. It has the following structure:

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RequestInput {
    // members
    args,           // {Object}     Parametric arguments (e.g. for REST, taken from the query string)
    volatile,       // {Object}
    body,           // {Object}     Content of the resource for REST like routes, main parameters for others
    controller,     // {string}
    action,         // {string}
    resource {

    // methods
    constructor (data) // data is a JS Object that has the same structure as the Websocket message

Context #

The context attribute contains information about the state of the connection at the moment the request is sent. It has the following structure:

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RequestContext {
    connection {    // Network connection information
      id,           // {scalar}     Unique identifier of the user connection
      protocol,     // {string}     Network protocol name
      ips,          // {Array}      Chain of IP addresses, starting from the client
      misc          // {Object}     Contains protocol specific information (e.g. HTTP queries URL or headers)
    token,          // {Token}      Auth token
    user            // {User}       Represents the current User associated to the transaction

Status Codes #

The status attribute is a numeric code similar to a HTTP status code. It is used to inform the client about the resulting status of the request (i.e. if an error occurred or not).

List of Status Codes Supported by Kuzzle #

1xx Processing #

  • 102: Standard status for an unhandled request.

2xx Success #

  • 200: Standard status for a successful request.
  • 206: The request (typically a bulk import) is partially successful: some actions encountered an error. (in this case, error details are returned within error.errors)

4xx Client Error #

  • 400: The request is malformed (usually: an argument is missing).
  • 401: A login attempt failed.
  • 403: The client is not allowed to perform the requested action.
  • 404: The requested resource cannot be found.
  • 412: A pre-requisite is not satisfied (for instance, adding a non-existing Profile to a User)
  • 413: A query input or response exceeds a configured Kuzzle limit.

5xx Server Error #

  • 500: Kuzzle encountered an unexpected error.
  • 503: Kuzzle is temporarily unavailable.
  • 504: An external resource takes too long to respond.

Error Object Format #

When an error occurs, the error attribute contains the KuzzleError object, which inherits from the primitive Javascript Error type.

Request Life-Cycle #

Here is how the request life-cycle works:

  • The client initializes the object with the arguments passed to the constructor.
    • The status field is always initialized to 102 ("processing").
    • The context field is initialized with the connection status and ID.
    • The input field is initialized with the request parameters specified in the options.
    • The fields error, result and response contain null.
  • Kuzzle receives the response. The corresponding controller handles it according to the input field.
    • The raw response of the controller is set to the result field.
    • If an error occurs, Kuzzle updates the error field via the setError method.
    • The status field is then set with an HTTP-compliant numeric code.
    • Kuzzle sets the response as per the Kuzzle Response API Standard
  • Kuzzle sends the response back to the client.