SDK Javascript v5.x

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sdiff #

Returns the difference between the set of unique values stored at key and the other provided sets.

[Redis documentation]

sdiff(key, keys, [options], [callback]) #

Arguments Type Description
key string Key identifier to compare
keys array list of set keys to compare with the set stored at key
options JSON Object Optional parameters
callback function Callback

Options #

Option Type Description Default
queuable boolean Make this request queuable or not true

Return Value #

Returns the MemoryStorage object to allow chaining.

Callback Response #

Returns an array of differences.

Usage #

Copied to clipboard!
// Using callbacks (NodeJS or Web Browser)
kuzzle.memoryStorage.sdiff('key', ['key1', 'key2', '...'], function (err, diff) {
  // callback called once the action has completed
// Using promises (NodeJS only)
kuzzle.memoryStorage.sdiffPromise('key', ['key1', 'key2', '...'])
  .then(diff => {
    // resolved once the action has completed

Callback response:

Copied to clipboard!
["diff value1", "diff value2", "..."]