SDK Java v2.x

You are currently looking at the documentation of a previous version of Kuzzle. We strongly recommend that you use the latest version. You can also use the version selector in the top menu.

query #

Base method used to send queries to Kuzzle, following the API Documentation.

This is a low-level method, exposed to allow advanced SDK users to bypass high-level methods.
Refer to Kuzzle's API Reference here

query(queryArgs, query, [options], [callback]) #

Argument Type Description
queryArgs JSON object Query base arguments
query JSON object Query to execute
options JSON object Optional parameters
callback function Optional callback

queryArgs #

queryArgs is a JSON object allowing Kuzzle to route your query to the right API method:

Option Type Description Required?
controller string API Controller argument required
action string API Controller action required
index string Index concerned by the action optional
collection string Data collection concerned by the action optional

query #

query is a JSON object containing arguments specific to the query, such as a body property, a JWT hash, a document _id, or generic query options (such as from or size for search queries) #

Options #

Option Type Description Default
volatile JSON object Additional information passed to notifications to other users null
queuable boolean Make this request queuable or not true

Return Value #

Returns the Kuzzle SDK object to allow chaining.

Callback Response #

Returns a JSON object containing the raw Kuzzle response.

Usage #

Copied to clipboard!
QueryArgs args = new QueryArgs();
args.controller = "controller";
args.action = "action";
JSONObject query = new JSONObject()
  .put("body", new JSONObject()
    .put("foo", "bar")
  .put("other", "argument");
kuzzle.query(args, query, new OnQueryDoneListener() {
  public void onSuccess(JSONObject object) {
  public void onError(JSONObject error) {
    // Handle error

Callback response:

Copied to clipboard!
  "error": null,
  "result": {
    "action": "action",
    "controller": "controller",
    "requestId": "bf87b930-7c02-11e5-ab10-dfa9e9fd2e07",
    "other properties": "depends of the query made"