SDK Java v2.x

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getStatistics #

Without argument, retrieves the last statistic frame in an array: When providing a timestamp, retrieves all frames recorded after that timestamp: Kuzzle server monitors active connections, and ongoing/completed/failed requests.
This method returns either the last statistics frame, or a set of frames starting from a provided timestamp.

getStatistics([timestamp], [options], callback) #

Arguments Type Description
timestamp Epoch time Optional starting time from which the frames are to be retrieved
options JSON object Optional parameters
callback function Callback handling the response

Options #

Option Type Description Default
queuable boolean Make this request queuable or not true

Note: Kuzzle statistics are cleaned up regularly. If the timestamp is set too far in the past, then this method will return all available statistics.

Callback Response #

Returns an array containing one or more statistics frame (as JSON objects).

Usage #

Copied to clipboard!
kuzzle.getStatistics(new ResponseListener<JSONObject>() {
  public void onSuccess(JSONObject[] statistics) {
    // ...
  public void onError(JSONObject error) {
    // Handle error
Copied to clipboard!
// Date can be either in ISO format or a timestamp (utc, in milliseconds)
kuzzle.getStatistics("2015-11-15T13:36:45.558Z", new ResponseListener<JSONObject[]>() {
  public void onSuccess(JSONObject[] statistics) {
    // ...
  public void onError(JSONObject error) {
    // Handle error

Callback response:

Copied to clipboard!
    "connections": { "socketio": 1 },
    "ongoingRequests": { "rest": 0, "socketio": 0 },
    "completedRequests": { "mqtt": 37, "socketio": 17 },
    "failedRequests": { "socketio": 1 },
    "timestamp": "1453110641308"