Official Plugins (Kuzzle v2.x)
Scheduler v1.x

This plugin is part of the Kuzzle Enterprise Plan. If you are interested, please contact us.

SchedulerPluginConfiguration #

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   * Admin index name
   * @default "scheduler"
  adminIndex: string,

   * Admin collections
  adminCollections: {

     * Admin configuration collection
    config: {
       * Name of the configuration collection
       * @default "config"
      name: string,

       * Mappings of the configuration collection
      mappings: {
         * Dynamic policy
         * @default "strict"
        dynamic: 'strict' | 'true' | 'false',

         * Mappings properties
        properties: JSONObject;

       * Settings of the configuration collection
      settings: JSONObject;

   * Engine collections
  engineCollections: {
     * Engine configuration collection
    config: {
       * Name of the configuration collection
       * @default "config"
      name: string;

       * Mappings of the configuration collection
      mappings: {
         * Dynamic policy
         * @default "strict"
        dynamic: 'strict' | 'true' | 'false';

         * Mappings properties
        properties: JSONObject;

       * Settings of the configuration collection
      settings: JSONObject;

     * Engine journal collection
    journal: {
       * Name of the journal collection
       * @default "scheduled-task-journal"
       name: string;

        * Mappings of the journal collection
       mappings: {
          * Dynamic policy
          * @default "strict"
         dynamic: 'strict' | 'true' | 'false';

          * Mappings properties
         properties: JSONObject;

       * Settings of the journal collection
      settings: JSONObject;