Official Plugins (Kuzzle v2.x)
Scheduler v1.x

This plugin is part of the Kuzzle Enterprise Plan. If you are interested, please contact us.

ScheduledTaskContent #

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   * Name
  name: string;

   * Description
  description: string;

   * If true, the task won't be executed
  disabled: boolean;

   * Planification informations
  schedule: {
     * Syntax for planification.
     *  - "cron": CRON based syntax (e.g. `5 * * * *`)
    syntax: 'cron';

     * Human readable value of the scheduled task planification.
     * Read only
    humanized?: string;

     * Planification.
     * Depending on the syntax it can be a cron-string.
    value: string;

     * Timestamp of the next execution
     * Read only
    nextExecution?: number;

   * Action to execute
  action: {
     * Type of action.
     *  - "api": Execute the API request defined in the `request` property
    type: 'api',

     * Request to execute for action of type "api"
    request: RequestPayload

   * Status of the last execution
  status?: StatusContent;

   * Custom metadata
  metadata?: JSONObject;