SDK Java v1.x

You are currently looking at the documentation of a previous version of Kuzzle. We strongly recommend that you use the latest version. You can also use the version selector in the top menu.

This SDK has been deprecated because of stability issues. It is not advised to use it in a production environment.

exists #

Check if a collection exists in Kuzzle.

Signature #

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public boolean exists(String index, String collection) throws io.kuzzle.sdk.BadRequestException, io.kuzzle.sdk.ForbiddenException, io.kuzzle.sdk.GatewayTimeoutException, io.kuzzle.sdk.InternalException, io.kuzzle.sdk.ServiceUnavailableException;
public boolean exists(String index, String collection, io.kuzzle.sdk.QueryOptions options) throws io.kuzzle.sdk.BadRequestException, io.kuzzle.sdk.ForbiddenException, io.kuzzle.sdk.GatewayTimeoutException, io.kuzzle.sdk.InternalException, io.kuzzle.sdk.ServiceUnavailableException;

Arguments #

Arguments Type Description Required
index String Index name yes
collection String Collection name yes
options io.kuzzle.sdk.QueryOptions An object containing query options no

options #

Additional query options

Property Type Description Default
queuable boolean Make this request queuable or not true

Return #

True if the collection exists

Exceptions #

Throws a io.kuzzle.sdk.KuzzleException if there is an error. See how to handle error.

Usage #

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try {
  if (kuzzle.getCollection().exists("nyc-open-data", "green-taxi")) {
} catch (KuzzleException e) {