SDK Golang v2.x

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Offline tools #

The Kuzzle SDK provides a set of properties that help your application to be resilient to the loss of network connection during its lifespan.

offlineQueue #

A read-only list of QueryObject containing the requests queued while the SDK is in the offline state (it behaves like a FIFO queue).

queueMaxSize #

A writable int defining the maximun size of the offlineQueue.

queueTTL #

A writable Duration defining the time in milliseconds a queued request is kept in the offlineQueue.

StartQueuing() #

Starts the requests queuing. Request will be put in the offlineQueue instead of being discarded, until stopQueuing is called. Works only in offline state, and if the autoQueue option is set to false. Call playQueue to send to Kuzzle the requests in the queue, once the SDK state passes to online. Call flushQueue to empty the queue without sendint the requests.

StopQueuing() #

Stop queuing the requests. Requests will no more be put in the offlineQueue, they will be discarded. Works only in the offline state, and if the autoQueue option is set to false.

PlayQueue() #

Sends to Kuzzle all the requests in the offlineQueue. Works only if the SDK is not in a offline state, and if the autoReplay option is set to false.

FlushQueue() #

Empties the offlineQueue without sending the requests to Kuzzle.

autoQueue #

A writable bool telling the SDK whether to automatically queue requests during the offline state or not.

autoReplay #

A writable bool telling the SDK whether to automatically send or not the requests in the offlineQueue on a reconnected event.

autoReconnect #

A writable bool telling the SDK whether to automatically reconnect or not to Kuzzle after a connection loss.

reconnectionDelay #

A read-only Duration specifying the time in milliseconds between different reconnection attempts.

autoResubscribe #

A writable bool telling the SDK whether to automatically renew or not all subscriptions on a reconnected event.

queueFilter #

A writable QueueFilter called by the SDK each time a Request need to be queued. The Request is passed as the only argument to the function and is queued only if the function returns true. Use it to define which requests are allowed to be queued.

offlineQueueLoader #

A writable OfflineQueueLoader called by the SDK before playing the requests in the offlineQueue. This function takes no arguments and returns an array of KuzzleRequest that are added on top of the offlineQueue. Use it to inject new requests to be played before the queue.