SDK Golang v2.x

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SearchResult #

When performing a search, Kuzzle returns an SearchResult struct, which holds the items matching the given query and allows to drill through next result pages if applicable.

Properties #

Property Type Description
The search` aggregations if any
A JSON string containing the retrieved items for the current page
The total number of items matching the given query in Kuzzle database
The number of retrieved items so far
A scroll identifier if the search was given a scroll parameter

Methods #

The SearchResult struct exposes an unique Next method, which returns a new SearchResult struct.

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Next() (*SearchResult, error)

Behaviour of the next method #

In order to be able to compute the next search page, some initial conditions must be met.

Depending on the arguments given to the initial search, thhe Next method will pick one of the following policies, by decreasing order of priority (i.e. a search including a scroll, sort and size will use the scroll policy).

If no policy is applicable, the next method will throw an exception.

When processing a large number of documents (i.e. more than 1000), it is advised to use a scroll cursor.

It is also the only method that garantees all matching documents will be retrieved and no duplicates will be included.

1. scroll #

This is the preferred way to get some paginated results.

If the original search is given a scroll parameter, the Next method will use a cursor to paginate results.

The results that are returned from a scroll request reflect the state of the index at the time the initial search request was performed, like a snapshot in time.

As such, even if some documents are added or deleted from the database between two calls to Next, the result is garanteed to include all items matching the query at the time the initial search was sent and to not get any duplicate between two search pages.

2. sort / size #

If the initial search is given some sort and size parameters, the Next method will retrieve the next items matching the sort.

To avoid too many duplicates, it is advised to provide a sort combination that will always identify one item only. The recommended way is to use the field _uid which is certain to contain one unique value for each document.

Because this method does not freeze the research between two calls, if some updates are applied to the database between two calls, it is still possible to miss some documents and/or to get some duplicates between search pages.

3. from / size #

If the initial search is given some from and size parameters, the Next method will increment the from parameter to retrieved the next results.

Because this method does not freeze the research between two calls, if some updates are applied to the database between two calls, it is possible to miss some documents and/or to get some duplicates between search pages.

It is not possible to retrieve more than 10000 items using this method. Above that limit, any call to Next will return an error

Usage #

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for i := 0; i < 5; i++ {
  kuzzle.Document.Create("nyc-open-data", "yellow-taxi", "", json.RawMessage(`{
    "category": "suv"
  }`), nil)
for i := 5; i < 15; i++ {
  kuzzle.Document.Create("nyc-open-data", "yellow-taxi", "", json.RawMessage(`{
    "category": "limousine"
  }`), nil)
kuzzle.Index.Refresh("nyc-open-data", nil)
options := types.NewQueryOptions()
response, err := kuzzle.Document.Search("nyc-open-data", "yellow-taxi", json.RawMessage(`{
  "query": {
    "match": {
      "category": "suv"
}`), options)
nextPage, err := response.Next()
if err != nil {
} else {
  fmt.Printf("Successfully retrieved %d documents", nextPage.Fetched)