SDK Android v3.x

You are currently looking at the documentation of a previous version of Kuzzle. We strongly recommend that you use the latest version. You can also use the version selector in the top menu.

Constructor #

This is the main entry point to communicate with Kuzzle. Every other object inherits properties from the Kuzzle object.

Kuzzle(host, [options], [callback]) #

Arguments Type Description
host string The server name (or the IP address) of a Kuzzle server installation
options JSON object Optional Kuzzle connection configuration
callback function Optional callback

Options #

Option Type Description Default
autoQueue boolean Automatically queue all requests during offline mode false
autoReconnect boolean Automatically reconnect after a connection loss true
autoReplay boolean Automatically replay queued requests on a reconnected event false
autoResubscribe boolean Automatically renew all subscriptions on a reconnected event true
connect string Manually or automatically connect to the Kuzzle instance auto
defaultIndex string Set the default index to use
headers JSON object Common headers for all sent documents
volatile JSON object Common volatile data, will be sent to all future requests
offlineMode string Offline mode configuration manual
port integer Kuzzle network port 7512
queueTTL integer Time a queued request is kept during offline mode, in milliseconds 120000
queueMaxSize integer Number of maximum requests kept during offline mode 500
replayInterval integer Delay between each replayed requests, in milliseconds 10
reconnectionDelay integer number of milliseconds between reconnection attempts 1000
ssl boolean Switch Kuzzle connection to SSL mode false


  • the offlineMode option only accepts the manual and auto values

Properties #

Property name Type Description Writable?
autoQueue boolean Automatically queue all requests during offline mode Yes
autoReconnect boolean Automatically reconnect after a connection loss No
autoReplay boolean Automatically replay queued requests on a reconnected event Yes
autoResubscribe boolean Automatically renew all subscriptions on a reconnected event No
defaultIndex string Kuzzle's default index to use Yes
headers JSON object Common headers for all sent documents. Yes
host string Target Kuzzle host name/address No
jwtToken string Token used in requests for authentication. Yes
offlineQueue JSON object Contains the queued requests during offline mode No
offlineQueueLoader function Called before dequeuing requests after exiting offline mode, to add items at the beginning of the offline queue Yes
port integer Kuzzle network port No
queueFilter function Called during offline mode. Takes a request object as arguments and returns a boolean, indicating if a request can be queued Yes
queueMaxSize integer Number of maximum requests kept during offline mode Yes
queueTTL integer Time a queued request is kept during offline mode, in milliseconds Yes
replayInterval integer Delay between each replayed requests Yes
reconnectionDelay integer Number of milliseconds between reconnection attempts No
ssl boolean Connect to Kuzzle using SSL No
volatile JSON object Common volatile data, will be sent to all future requests Yes


  • if connect is set to manual, the connect method will have to be called manually
  • the kuzzle instance will automatically queue all requests, and play them automatically once a first connection is established, regardless of the connect or offline mode option values.
  • multiple methods allow passing specific volatile data. These volatile data will be merged with the global Kuzzle volatile object when sending the request, with the request specific volatile taking priority over the global ones.
  • the queueFilter property is a function taking a JSON object as an argument. This object is the request sent to Kuzzle, following the Kuzzle API format
  • if queueTTL is set to 0, requests are kept indefinitely
  • The offline buffer acts like a first-in first-out (FIFO) queue, meaning that if the queueMaxSize limit is reached, older requests are discarded to make room for new requests
  • if queueMaxSize is set to 0, an unlimited number of requests is kept until the buffer is flushed
  • the offlineQueueLoader must be set with a function, taking no argument, and returning an array of objects containing a query member with a Kuzzle query to be replayed, and an optional cb member with the corresponding callback to invoke with the query result
  • updates to host, port, autoReconnect, reconnectionDelay and sslConnection properties will only take effect on next connect call

Callback response #

If the connection succeeds, resolves to the Kuzzle object itself. If the connect option is set to manual, the callback will be called after the connect method is resolved.

Usage #

Copied to clipboard!
import io.kuzzle.sdk.core.Kuzzle;
import io.kuzzle.sdk.core.Options;
Options options = new Options();
options.setDefaultIndex("some index")
  .setHeaders(new JSONObject().put("someheader", "value"))
Kuzzle kuzzle = new Kuzzle("localhost", options, new ResponseListener<Void>() {
  public void onSuccess(Void object) {
    // invoked once connected, object contains the kuzzle instance
  public void onError(JSONObject error) {
    // Handle connection error