update #
Updates a tenant profiles and mappings definition with the current version provided in the templates
administration collection.
Query Syntax #
URL: http://kuzzle:7512/_/multi-tenancy/tenants/:group/:name
Method: PUT
Other protocols #
"controller": "multi-tenancy/tenant",
"action": "update",
"group": "teacher",
"name": "liia"
Arguments #
Arguments | Type | Description |
group | string | Tenant group |
name | string | Tenant name |
Optional #
Property | Type | Description |
options | object | Additional options |
Options #
Customize the default behaviour with the following options:
Property | Type (default) | Description |
updateIndexSettings | boolean ( false ) | If true, will try to apply the index settings part of the mapping's definition |
Response #
Returns an object containing the following properties:
: name of the updated indexprofiles
: list of updated profilescollections
: list of updated collections
"status": 200,
"error": null,
"action": "update",
"controller": "multi-tenancy/tenant",
"requestId": "<unique request identifier>",
"result": {
"index": "tenant-teacher-liia",
"profiles": ["admin", "user", "moderator"],
"collections": ["articles", "categories"]
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