Write Protocols v1.x

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By default, the MQTT protocol is disabled in the Kuzzle configuration.

Configuration #

The protocol can be configured via the kuzzlerc configuration file, under the server > protocols > mqtt section.

Enable/Disable the MQTT protocol supportfalse
Allow MQTT pub/sub capabilities or restrict to Kuzzle requests onlyfalse
Switches responseTopic back to a regular public topicfalse
Delay in ms to apply between a disconnection notification is received and the connection is actually removed250
Name of the topic listened by the plugin for requests"Kuzzle/request"
Name of the topic clients should listen to get requests result"Kuzzle/response"
Constructor options pased to underlying mqtt server. See mosca documentation for further reference.{port: 1883}



  "server": {
    "protocols": {
      "mqtt": {
        "allowPubSub": true

How to use #

Sending an API request and getting the response #

By default, the MQTT protocol listens to the Kuzzle/request MQTT topic (see configuration) for requests to the Kuzzle API.

It then forwards Kuzzle response to the Kuzzle/response MQTT topic, and only to the client who made the initial request.

The order of responses is not guaranteed to be the same than the order of requests. To link a response to its original request, use the requestId attribute: the response will have the same requestId than the one provided in the request.

Example using MQTT Node module: to use a CLI client, you will need to enable development mode. Please refer to the dedicated section below for instruction and examples

const mqtt = require('mqtt'),
  client = mqtt.connect({ host: 'localhost' });

// Sending a volatile message
    index: 'index',
    collection: 'collection',
    controller: 'realtime',
    action: 'publish',
    requestId: 'some unique ID',
    body: { some: 'message' }

// Getting Kuzzle's response
client.on('message', (topic, raw) => {
  const message = JSON.parse(Buffer.from(raw));

  // API results topic
  if (topic === 'Kuzzle/response') {
    // Response to our "publish" request
    if (message.requestId === 'some unique ID') {
      console.log('Message publication result: ', message);

Using Kuzzle subscriptions #

Kuzzle allows to subscribe to messages and events using advanced filters.

Each time a subscription is sent, a dedicated MQTT topic is created, named after the channel property issued by Kuzzle.

Here are the steps to perform a Kuzzle subscription using MQTT:

  • Send a subscription request to Kuzzle
  • Listen to the request's response to ge the channel identifier
  • Subscribe to the MQTT topic named after this channel identifier

Example using MQTT Node module:

const mqtt = require('mqtt'),
  client = mqtt.connect({ host: 'localhost' }),
  channels = [];

// Sending a volatile message
    index: 'index',
    collection: 'collection',
    controller: 'realtime',
    action: 'subscribe',
    requestId: 'some unique ID',
    body: {
      term: {
        some: 'filter'

// Getting Kuzzle's response
client.on('message', (topic, raw) => {
  const message = JSON.parse(Buffer.from(raw));

  // API results topic
  if (topic === 'Kuzzle/response') {
    // Response to our "publish" request
    if (message.requestId === 'some unique ID') {
  } else if (channels.indexOf(topic) !== -1) {
    // Subscription notification
    console.log('Notification: ', message);

Authorizations #

Publishing #

If allowPubSub is set to false, clients can only publish to the requestTopic topic (defaults to Kuzzle/request).

If allowPubSub is set to true, clients are only forbidden to publish to the responseTopic topic (defaults to Kuzzle/response).

Wildcards subcriptions are not allowed

If a client tries to publich to an unauthorized topic, his connection will immediately be shut down by the server.

Subscribing #

Subscription attempts to the requestTopic topic (defaults to Kuzzle/request) are ignored: client requests can only be listened by the MQTT server.

Development mode #

The MQTT Kuzzle/response topic is by default a special topic that acts as a private channel. Each client receives its own responses only, offering a simple first security layer.

While this behavior is urgently recommended in production, it can bring a small drawback when testing and developing applications: it does not allow using most CLI tools. Many CLI tools, such as Mosquitto offer two separate binaries, one for subscribing and one for publishing. These act as two different clients and the subscriber won't receive any response sent to the publisher by default.

To use these tools, one can enable the development mode, in which Kuzzle/response will act as a regular public topic.

Do not use development mode in production!

To enable development mode, you will need to both set NODE_ENV environment variable to development and set the mqtt protocol developmentMode to true:

# starting kuzzle with mqtt development mode enabled
NODE_ENV=development \
kuzzle_server__protocols__mqtt__enabled=true \
kuzzle_server__protocols__mqtt__developmentMode=true \
./bin/kuzzle start

# client 1
$ mosquitto_sub -t Kuzzle/response

# client 2
$ mosquitto_pub -t Kuzzle/request -m '{"controller": "server", "action": "now"}'

# client 1
$ {"requestId":"83a63209-7633-4884-9f1a-c490ce446ddf","status":200,"error":null,"controller":"server","action":"now","collection":null,"index":null,"volatile":null,"result":{"now":1509967201489}}