Guides v2.x

Subscribe to Realtime Notifications #

Kuzzle integrates an advanced realtime engine. It can work in a classic pub/sub mode but also as a realtime database notification engine.

Any change occuring on the database can generate a realtime notification about the creation, modification and deletion of documents.

A filter system also allows clients to receive notifications only according to their interest in certain types of documents.

Subscription to realtime notifications is performed client-side and does not require additional server-side code.

Subscribe to changes #

First, we need to subscribe to changes occuring in a specific collection:

Copied to clipboard!
kourou realtime:subscribe nyc-open-data yellow-taxi

This will use the realtime:subscribe API action.

Kourou is now waiting for realtime notifications about changes in our collection.

We are going to create a new document in the Admin Console to trigger one!

Open the Admin Console and then create a new document :

Copied to clipboard!
  "name": "Nerwin",
  "city": "Montreal",
  "age": 26

Then you should receive a notification about the created document in your terminal:

Copied to clipboard!
 🚀 Kourou - Subscribes to realtime notifications
 [] Connecting to ws://localhost:7512 ...
 [] Waiting for realtime notifications on "nyc-open-data":"yellow-taxi" ...

 [] New notification triggered by API action "document:create"
  "_id": "dvIdJ3UB1MqPtuLKxKDS",
  "_source": {
    "name": "Nerwin",
    "city": "Montreal",
    "age": 26,
    "_kuzzle_info": {
      "author": "-1",
      "createdAt": 1602679063751,
      "updatedAt": null,
      "updater": null
  "_version": 1

Use subscription filters #

Kuzzle allows you to use filters to receive only the notifications matching specific types of documents.

Again, we are going to subscribe to notifications but only for documents where:

  • age is greater than 30
  • city is equal to Montreal

This filter must be written using Koncorde Filter Syntax, which is a little inspired by Elasticsearch DSL:

Koncorde is part of the Realtime Engine and handles subscription filters.

We can now subscribe with a filter.

If you still have the previous subscription active in a terminal, cancel it and subscribe again.

Copied to clipboard!
kourou realtime:subscribe nyc-open-data yellow-taxi '{
  and: [
      range: {
        age: { gt: 30 }
      equals: {
        city: "Montreal"

Then we create 10 documents using the sdk:execute command in Kourou:

Copied to clipboard!
kourou sdk:execute '
  for (let i = 1; i <= 10; i++) {
    await sdk.document.create("nyc-open-data", "yellow-taxi", {
      name: `Nerwin-${i}`,
      city: i % 2 ? "Montreal" : "Montpellier",
      age: 27 + i

Kourou is able to execute Javascript code snippets.
A sdk variable is exposed and refers to an instance of the Javascript SDK, connected to Kuzzle and authenticated if credentials are provided.

You should receive only the following 3 notifications (that correspond with the filters specified in the subscription):
Copied to clipboard!
 🚀 Kourou - Subscribes to realtime notifications
 [] Connecting to ws://localhost:7512 ...
 [] Waiting for realtime notifications on "nyc-open-data":"yellow-taxi" ...
 [] New notification triggered by API action "document:create"
  "_id": "hfI3J3UB1MqPtuLKwaCh",
  "_source": {
    "name": "Nerwin-5",
    "city": "Montreal",
    "age": 32,
    "_kuzzle_info": {
      "author": "-1",
      "createdAt": 1602680766880,
      "updatedAt": null,
      "updater": null
  "_version": 1
 [] New notification triggered by API action "document:create"
  "_id": "h_I3J3UB1MqPtuLKwaDE",
  "_source": {
    "name": "Nerwin-7",
    "city": "Montreal",
    "age": 34,
    "_kuzzle_info": {
      "author": "-1",
      "createdAt": 1602680766915,
      "updatedAt": null,
      "updater": null
  "_version": 1
 [] New notification triggered by API action "document:create"
  "_id": "ifI3J3UB1MqPtuLKwaDn",
  "_source": {
    "name": "Nerwin-9",
    "city": "Montreal",
    "age": 36,
    "_kuzzle_info": {
      "author": "-1",
      "createdAt": 1602680766950,
      "updatedAt": null,
      "updater": null
  "_version": 1