SDK Dart Null Safety v3.x

KuzzleRequest #

KuzzleRequest is a serializable class representing a raw Kuzzle request.

Properties #

actionStringExecuted Kuzzle API controller's action
bodyMap<String, dynamic> body
collectionStringImpacted collection
controllerStringExecuted Kuzzle API controller
indexStringImpacted index
jwtStringAuthentication token
langStringES lang
requestIdStringRequest unique identifier
waitForRefreshboolIf set to true, Kuzzle will wait for the persistence layer to finish indexing
volatileMap<String, dynamic>Volatile data
Offset of the first document to fetch
Maximum number of documents to retrieve per page
When set, gets a forward-only cursor having its ttl set to the given value (ie 1s; cf elasticsearch time limits)
scrollIdStringThe scrollId if using scroll option
sortList<dynamic>Contains a list of fields, used to sort search results, in order of importance.

Overrided operators #

The [] and []= are overrided so you can dynamically add any args you want to this class and it will be taken in consideration in the request sent to Kuzzle.