Write Plugins v1.x

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Getting started #

The best way to start developing a plugin is to use a boilerplate.

We provide a boilerplate that contain a Kuzzle stack that reloads itself whenever a plugin change is detected, making it a handy tool for plugin development.

Clone this repository to start developing a Kuzzle plugin:

git clone
cd kuzzle-core-plugin-boilerplate
docker-compose -f docker/docker-compose.yml up
// Kuzzle stack with the plugin is ready
// Edit the file lib/index.js,
// the Kuzzle stack will automaticaly restart to include your modifications

The provided docker-compose.yml file launches a Kuzzle stack with the pm2 module, with the following features:

  • Automated Kuzzle restart every time a change is detected in the plugin code
  • Configurable through the parameters set in that pm2.json file

The main Plugin class is defined in the index.js. You can start edit it adding:

We need to provide the configuration and the context to plugins. In that purpose, plugins must have an init function which will have them as parameters : this init function is the very first one to be called by Kuzzle and is mandatory to start a plugin. You can now write your own functions and your own routes as described inside the index.js. You can also write unit tests : see steps.js.

You can find more information about the init function here.

You have now everything you need to start writing your own Kuzzle plugin.