How-To (Kuzzle v1.x)
Keep warm data

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Keeping only warm data in Kuzzle #

Requirements #

Kuzzle : >= 1.2.11

Introduction #

Kuzzle is capable of managing a large number of documents while maintaining high performance.

However, in some scenarios, it can be useful to manage a smaller volume of data in Kuzzle and use a secondary datastore synchronized with Kuzzle (see How-To Synchronize Kuzzle with another database) to maintain a larger dataset. This is commonly referred to as a Hot/Warm architecture, where only the most recent data would be kept in Kuzzle. Such an architecture is used in scenarios where a set of data needs to be accessed quickly (Hot data) and another set of data needs to be stored but is not accessed frequently (Warm data).

An example of this is a platform that manages both a set of data that is accessed by users in real-time through a Mobile App (Hot) and a historical aggregate of this data used to generate insights into user behavior through analytics (Warm).

Architecture #

We will be using the open-source Kuzzle stack. (Check docker-compose.yml for more details)

Kuzzle will store "Hot" data in the yellow-taxi collection of the nyc-open-data index. This data will have the following mapping:

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  "pickup_datetime":  { "type": "date", "format": "MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss a" },
  "dropoff_datetime": { "type": "date", "format": "MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss a" },
  "passenger_count":  { "type": "long" },
  "trip_distance":    { "type": "double" },
  "pickup_position":  { "type": "geo_point" },
  "dropoff_position": { "type": "geo_point" },
  "fare_amount":      { "type": "double" }

In addition to document content, Kuzzle stores a set of metadata in Elasticsearch. These metadata are contained in the _kuzzle_info field (exposed as _meta in Kuzzle API).

For the purpose of this How-To, we will insert documents directly into Elasticsearch so that we can override the value of the createdAt metadata field. This way we can set a createdAt date in the past and simulate a scenario where Kuzzle has older data in its datastore (i.e Elasticsearch).

To do this we will use the Elasticsearch Bulk API.

Cleaning old data #

Since we only want to keep relevant data in Kuzzle, we need to remove any older and irrelevant data. However, we cannot use the Kuzzle APIs to do this because these changes could automatically be propagated to the secondary database (see How-To Synchronize Kuzzle with another database). So, we will bypass the Kuzzle API and use the Elasticsearch API instead.

To delete data through the Elasticsearch API, we will perform a query that targets the oldest documents based on the createdAt field in kuzzle metadata. This field stores the date the document was created in Epoch-millis format.

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// Get all documents created before the 12 April 2018
const query = {
  index: 'nyc-open-data',
  type: 'yellow-taxi',
  body: {
    query: {
      bool: {
        filter: [
            range: {
              '_kuzzle_info.createdAt': {
                lte: 1523522843802 // 2018-04-12T08:47:29

Then, we use the official Elasticsearch client to execute a deleteByQuery request with our filters.

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const elasticsearchClient = new ElasticSearch.Client({ host: 'localhost:9200' });

  .then(response => {
    console.log(`Delete ${response.deleted} documents created before 2018-04-12`);
  }, error => {
    console.log(`Error retrieving documents : ${error.message}`);

Try it yourself #

You can try this How-To yourself by using the docker-compose.yml we provided as well as the database-cleaner.js script.

This script lets you set a retention period and will delete all documents prior to the specified period.

A test dataset is also available via the loadData.js script. This script will load one document per day over a period of two months directly into Elasticsearch.

Start by launching the containers with Docker Compose:

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docker-compose up

Then load the test data by running the following command:

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docker-compose exec kuzzle node /scripts/loadData.js

Verify the number of imported documents:

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docker-compose exec kuzzle node /scripts/countData.js

Now we can use our Kuzzle cleaner script.

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docker-compose exec kuzzle node /scripts/databaseCleaner.js --help
  Usage: databaseCleaner [options]


    -h, --host <s>        Elastic host (default: elasticsearch)
    -p, --port <n>        Elastic port (default: 9200)
    -i, --index <s>       Index name
    -c, --collection <s>  Collection name
    -r, --retention <s>   Retention time specified in days (d), hours (h) or minutes (m) (default: 30d)
    --confirm             Confirm deletion
    -h, --help            output usage information

# Show documents older than 30 days
docker-compose exec kuzzle node /scripts/databaseCleaner.js -i nyc-open-data -c yellow-taxi -r 30d
# Use --confirm to delete matching documents
docker-compose exec kuzzle node /scripts/databaseCleaner.js -i nyc-open-data -c yellow-taxi -r 30d --confirm

Check documents deletion:

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docker-compose exec kuzzle node /scripts/countData.js