API v1.x

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Real-time Notifications #

Clients can subscribe to documents, messages and events, in order to receive a notification whenever a change occurs matching the subscription scope.

Documents changes & messages #

The following notifications are sent by Kuzzle whenever one of the following event matches the subscription filters:

  • A real-time message is sent
  • A new document has been created
  • A document has been updated or replaced
  • Deprecated since 1.5.0
    A document is about to be created (creation not guaranteed)

Real-time notifications are also sent when documents, previously in the subscription scope, are leaving it because of the following events:

  • document is deleted
  • document is updated/replaced and its new content do not match the subscription filters anymore
  • Deprecated since 1.5.0
    document is about to be deleted (deletion not guaranteed)

Format #

A document notification contains the following fields:

actionstringAPI controller's action
collectionstringData collection
controllerstringAPI controller
indexstringData index
protocolstringNetwork protocol used to modify the document
resultobjectNotification content
roomstringSubscription channel identifier. Can be used to link a notification to its corresponding subscription
scopestringin: document enters (or stays) in the scope
out: document leaves the scope
Deprecated since 1.5.0

done: the change has been applied
pending: the change is about to happen
timestampnumberTimestamp of the event, in Epoch-millis format
typestringdocument: the notification type
volatileobjectRequest volatile data

The result object is the notification content, and it has the following structure:

_idstringDocument unique ID
null if the notification is from a real-time message
Deprecated since 1.3.0

Document metadata information (creation time, last update time, and so on). Can be null.
_sourceobjectThe message or full document content. Not present if the event is about a document deletion

Example #

  "index": "foo",
  "collection": "bar",
  "controller": "document",
  "action": "create",
  "protocol": "http",
  "timestamp": 1497513122738,
  "volatile": null,
  "scope": "in",
  "state": "done",
      "some": "document content",
      "_kuzzle_info": {
        "author": "<author kuid>",
        "createdAt": 1497866996975,
        "active": true
    "_id": "<document identifier>"

User Notification #

User notifications are triggered by the following events:

  • A user subscribes to the same room
  • A user leaves that room

These notifications are sent only if the users argument is set to any other value than the default none one (see subscription request).

Format #

actionstringAPI controller's action
collectionstringData collection
controllerstringAPI controller
indexstringData index
protocolstringNetwork protocol used by the entering/leaving user
resultobjectNotification content
roomstringSubscription channel identifier. Can be used to link a notification to its corresponding subscription
timestampnumberTimestamp of the event, in Epoch-millis format
typestringuser: the notification type
userstringin: a new user has subscribed to the same filters
out: a user cancelled a shared subscription
volatileobjectRequest volatile data

The result object is the notification content, and it has the following structure:

countnumberUpdated users count sharing that same subscription

Example #

  "index": "<index name>",
  "collection": "<collection name>",
  "controller": "realtime",
  "action": "subscribe",
  "protocol": "websocket",
  "timestamp": 1497517009931,
  "user": "in",
  "result": {
    "count": 42
  "volatile": {
    "fullname": "John Snow",
    "favourite season": "winter",
    "goal in life": "knowing something"

Server Notification #

Server notifications are triggered by global events, and they are sent to all of a client's subscriptions at the same time.

Currently, the only event generating a server notification is when an authentication token has expired, closing the subscription.

Other events may be added in the future.

Format #

messagestringServer message explaining why this notification has been triggered
typestringTokenExpired: notification type

Example #

  "message": "Authentication Token Expired",
  "type": "TokenExpired"